I write about things I’m learning and things I’m building.

I delve into the world of tech, taking complex ideas apart and piecing them back together for anyone interested, including myself. I write not just to share my personal hobby projects, but also to crystallize my own understanding. It's a journey of learning, exploring, and translating that into accessible stories.

Folder specific git config

The article discusses the importance of managing different git configurations for projects in various domains. It explains how to extend global .gitconfig and create folder-specific .gitconfig to set up unique user details and ssh keys for specific projects. By implementing these configurations, users can efficiently handle multiple projects with distinct requirements.

Custom Kroki Encoder Decoder

Excited to share my custom Kroki Encoder Decoder with you. Nothing really fancy, but I hope it will make it easier for me and others to reuse diagrams.

How to use terraform to setup kind with localhost

In this article, I walk through setting up a local Kubernetes cluster on my M1 MacBook using tools such as Terraform, Kind, and MetalLB. The main challenge addressed is the inability to directly access the Kind cluster when using Docker on MacOS and Windows, necessitating the use of port mappings. I also discuss the deployment of an echoserver to test the setup. The complete code is shared on GitHub.

Generate SSH-Keys with ed25519

Ed25519 is a secure and efficient public key algorithm, ideal for SSH key generation, including GitHub use. Its modern elliptic curve cryptography ensures strong security and its shorter key size enables quicker operations and bandwidth efficiency. This leads to improved user experience in SSH connections and seamless GitHub interactions.

Serving a Static Website with GitHub Pages and Hugo

Cloudflare Pages is a developer-friendly platform for deploying static websites and JAMstack applications from GitHub, ensuring swift load times, and simplifying the deployment process with features like custom domain integration and automatic SSL.

Cloudflare with full encryption in strict mode

Cloudflare Pages is a developer-friendly platform for deploying static websites and JAMstack applications from GitHub, ensuring swift load times, and simplifying the deployment process with features like custom domain integration and automatic SSL.

Github actions selfhosted runner on kubernetes

Leveraging GitHub Actions CI tool for GitHub projects, a self-hosted runner was configured for unlimited build minutes and OS control. This involved setting up a cert manager, generating a personal access token, creating a runner controller, and initiating the runner.

How to setup ArgoCD to manage itself

As a software developer, I appreciate ArgoCD as a superior GitOps tool. This guide demonstrates installation, Helm setup, creating Git repository, and ensuring self-updates with ArgoCD.

How to setup a k3s server with alpine linux

I repurposed my Ryzen 3700X as a server using lightweight Alpine Linux. After configuring SSH root access, I installed k3s, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution, and ensured it’s running.

GRPC-Web example

I evaluated GRPC’s complexity, setting up a GRPC server, web proxy, and Angular frontend, concluding its fairly straightforward, especially valuing the .proto files single source of truth.